Many years ago, I discovered a cable/satellite station that had "A Day of Nothing" that played all day, usually on holidays like Christmas Day, etc. It had a scene and it played like you were there, and had some quotes that came up. For Christmas, it showed a cute little snow vehicle, plowing the wonderful streets in Switzerland. For another holiday, it had scenes from several beaches, that they taped, but did not change for at least 1/2 an hour. So you could watch like you were there, see people walking by, the waves lapping, and read the fun quotes. Quotes were things like, "you deserve to relax today" or had fun activities to do, like go and build a sandcastle.
A fun idea is to do your own "day of silence". Get unplugged. No technology (no phone, cell, blackberry, iPod, internet, computer, nothing with circuits or electricity). It's challenging at first, but oh so freeing.